can i send the form as sms ?


Asked on August 28, 2022 3:07 PM

did you remove the sms feature ? or is it still available ?

Ana Maria Bosoi

Answered on August 29, 2022 1:07 PM

Thank you for contacting us!
We do not have the SMS sharing feature anymore. However, we have several other options that allow you to share or publish the form.
Also, while checking your account I did notice that your account is currently suspended because the payment for the Gold plan did not go through accordingly.
I will send you a further email and connect you with 2CheckOut so they can assist with the payment process.
What are you using the form for?
Would it be better for you if you were able to share the form through SMS?
I look forward to hearing from you!

Ana-Maria Bosoi
Account Manager
The 123FormBuilder Team