How do I edit the lines under Edit Choices?

123ContactForm - _MAIN_

Asked on August 29, 2022 2:36 AM

Hello….I am trying to duplicate a form and I need to change the verbiage in the Edit Choices area. When I go to the line to edit where the checkbox is it won’t allow me to edit it correctly. One line goes into several different checkboxes. How do I get the language into one line. THANK YOU.

Ana Maria Bosoi

Answered on August 29, 2022 12:38 PM

Thank you for contacting us!
Could you please send us a video of the process and where the error occurs?
Also, could you please send us the link to the form you are having issues with?
I would like to look into it for you, but I see you have a few forms on the account and I cannot pinpoint exactly which one it is and how the error looks like on your end.
Also, what are you using the form for? would you like this new form to be exactly as the old one or you want to implement new features too?
I look forward to hearing from you!

Ana-Maria Bosoi
Account Manager
The 123FormBuilder Team