i cannot connect my paid account


Asked on September 13, 2022 3:54 AM

i have paid for a premium account, WIX Invoice 987258119 from march, 22, 2022, but here on my website is only free plan. thank you for your support! thanx

Ana Maria Bosoi

Answered on September 13, 2022 8:05 AM

Thank you for getting in touch with us!
I have checked your 123FormBuilder account it is showing as a free/basic account and it has always been since it was created, in May 2022.
If you have paid Wix for a subscription we kindly advise you to contact them directly and inquire about this as we do not have access to their payments/subscriptions.
What are you using the forms for? Do you have another 123FormBuilder account?
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Ana-Maria Bosoi
Account Manager
The 123FormBuilder Team