How to edit the Submit button in my Form Editor on 123FormBuilder?

To edit the Submit button, go to the Editor of your form within the form builder and click on the Submit button area. In the right-side panel of the page, you will find two sections by default.

Options: from here you can change the Alignment of the button (Full width, Left, Center, Right) and add Additional buttons (Clear all answers, Print, Save for later).

Action bar

Submit button: from here, you can change the text that appears on the Submit button and add an icon. You can also add a disclaimer if it suits your use case.

Edit submit button

If you want to edit the Submit button in terms of design, you can do this by accessing the Design section. Under Buttons, you will find various customization options, such as changing the border, font, and color, just to name a few.

Design buttons

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  1. Hi, is it possible to move the button? I have a form which creates a contract and I`d like for the T & C`s to be below the Book now button. Is this possible and if yes how?

    1. Hi, the submit button can not be moved. The button needs to be at the bottom of the form so that users see all the information before submitting the form. As a workaround, you can add the terms of service text on your webpage below the form element.

  2. Is there any way to change the icon on the submit button? I am continuing to another form, and the little airplane doesn’t really represent that.


    1. Hello William, yes you can change the submit icon with a custom CSS. After you have your own image link, go to Edit – Themes – Add custom CSS and paste the following code:

      #form [data-role=control][data-type=form-action-bar] button[data-role=submit][data-has-icon]:before {
      content: url(‘
      your image link here‘);

      Paste your image link where it says your image link here and preview your form. This code is general and it works with all the forms that have the send icon enabled.

  3. How can I remove the submit button and leave the print button? There’s an article about it, but it’s not accessible.

    1. Hi Andy! There was an old CSS article about that, yes, and it was removed. The action of hiding the submit button is not allowed. Any form needs to collect data online, since this is the service that we offer. Thank you!

    1. Hello Emeric!

      Yes, sure. You can go to the Settings → Themes section of your form -> Primary Button and at Background you can use the color pick to change it.

    1. Hello, Mika!

      Yes, sure. You can go to the SettingsThemes section of your form and hit the Use Custom CSS link. Wait for a lightbox to appear and use this code:

      #id123-button-send {width:100px; height:60px;}

      Replace the values with the ones that suit your needs. Feel free to go creative.

      For further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team at or via our contact form.


  4. Hi,

    Is it possible to customise the purchase button and make it bigger? Currently it is extremely small and hard for users to see.

    1. Hello, Tim!

      Yes, you can go to the Settings → Themes section of your form and hit the Use Custom CSS link. Wait for a lightbox to appear and use this code:

      #id123-button-send {width:100px; height:60px;}

      Replace the values with the ones that suit your needs. Feel free to go creative.

      For further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team at or via our contact form.


      1. hi there, i was able to make the submit button larger based on your answer above. thank you so much for that!! however, the text “submit” is still really tiny. is there a way to make it larger to look more in sync with the now larger button. thank you for your help!

      2. Hello!

        I apologize for the late reply. In order to change the size of the text within the submit button, enter this code in the brackets: font-size:14px; (replace the value with the one corresponding to your needs)

        So you would have something such as: #id123-button-send {font-size:14px;}

        with the code I have shown you in the previous reply:

        #id123-button-send {width:100px; height:60px; font-size:14px;}

        But the best practice would be to just use the code: #id123-button-send {font-size:14px;}
        This way, the button will resize according to the size of the text.

        For further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team at or via our contact form.


  5. Using the orderform template what good is it if the submit button doesn’t add to cart or allow me to send to paypal?

    1. Hello David!

      The payments section for online forms works only for Platinum plans or higher. See our features matrix page for more details. We are currently integrated with PayPal, PayPal Pro, PayPal Payflow, Stripe, Sage Pay,,, Braintree, PayFast and FreshBooks. Payments are created on form submissions, meaning that users are redirected to a second page or on the check out page of the payment gateway to complete the transaction.

      If you integrate your order form with PayPal, users will be redirected to PayPal right after submission to complete their payment. In the Payments section of your order form, you can assign prices, add discounts, coupon codes and markups, enable recurring payment, add formulas and more. We do not have a shopping cart feature.

      If you have more questions or need assistance in building your forms, contact our Support Team at or via our contact form. They will gladly help with anything you need.


  6. hi… my site is not active yet, however I would like to have my form when the user clicks submit for it to submit the information and take them to a new page. how do I do this?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. For more FAQs, please browse through the  FAQs page.

Is this service free?
Yes, we offer a free form builder service. Just sign up to the Basic plan and you are all set. This plan is forever free, but you are limited with a few features only, such as 5 forms per account, 100 submissions per month and you have to keep the backlink to 123FormBuilder on your forms. Check out our features matrix for more information.
How many forms can I create?
It depends on the service plan you are on. Higher service plans enable more features, including more web forms for your account. If you need more forms, go to the My Account section of your account and click the upgrade button. To create an unlimited number of forms, either upgrade to the Platinum service plan or higher. Consult our features matrix for more information.
How can I publish my forms?
You can publish your forms in many ways, by using their direct URL or HTML link, embedding them with a JavaScript code, Inline HTML or iFrame, using the Facebook app or the WordPress plugin, using popups, the Blogger code snippet and many more. Once you have created and customized your form, go to the Publish section to complete your work. Read more in our documentation.
How do I change my form design?
You can change the design of your form for more information. in the Themes section, which is located in your form settings. We offer a set of more than 30 predefined form themes for your forms, but you can also create your own from scratch. You can customize the submit button, the logo and more. To apply your own stylesheets, all forms come with a custom CSS editor.

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