Frequently Asked Questions

How to customize the template?

Log in to our platform and open the form builder. Use the intuitive drag-and-drop interface to add, remove, or rearrange form fields to fit your specific needs. Also, click on each field to customize labels, placeholders, and validation rules.
Moreover, adjust the form’s design elements, including fonts, colors, and layout, to match your branding. Then, use the preview feature to ensure the Art Fair Registration Form meets your expectations before finalizing.

How to publish the template?

Publishing your customized Art Fair Registration Form involves a few steps. Click the “Publish” button to create a shareable form link. Share the form link via email or social media, or embed it on your website. This allows participants to access and complete the registration form online. Optionally, configure permissions to control who can access the form, ensuring secure online data collection.

How can I collect & manage data?

Form submissions are collected in real time and stored securely online. View all submissions through the form builder dashboard, with options to search and filter responses. Also, export the collected data to formats like CSV or Excel for further analysis or reporting. Additionally, enable email notifications to be alerted whenever a new submission is received.

How can I optimize processes?

Optimize your processes using our platform’s advanced features. Integrate the form with applications like Google Sheets, CRM systems, and email marketing tools to streamline data handling and automate workflows. Save time by using pre-built templates for common tasks. Set up automation rules to send confirmation emails, update records, or trigger follow-up tasks. Use built-in analytics to track form performance and gain insights into participant data, facilitating informed decision-making.

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