Frequently Asked Questions

How to customize the template?

Open the Begin by utilizing the drag-and-drop interface to add, remove, or rearrange form elements, including name, email, phone number, address, donation details, and more fields. You have complete control over the design, allowing you to incorporate your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo. You can add CSS code for advanced customization by importing a stylesheet or editing directly within the form editor. Once satisfied with the design, you can save it as a reusable template for future forms, ensuring brand consistency across all your campaigns.

How to publish the template?

Click on the Publish button to navigate to the Publish section. You can generate an incorporable form link or embed code directly from the form builder. Then, you can share the link via email, social media, or embedded on your website, making it easy for donors to access and submit their contributions.

How can I collect & manage data?

Collecting and managing data through your Food Donation Request Form is secure with advanced measures, including smart CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, SSL, password protection, country filters, and data encryption. Additionally, you can set up instant email notifications to receive detailed reports of each form submission, ensuring that you stay informed and can respond to donors promptly. The form builder also integrates with other apps, allowing you to sync donor data with your existing CRM or database systems for streamlined management.

How can I optimize processes?

Integrate with over 10 payment processors, such as PayPal, Stripe, and Square, to offer donors multiple payment options, increasing the likelihood of successful donations. Additionally, you can generate visual reports with charts and widgets directly from your dashboard. It will give you insights into donation trends and help you make data-driven decisions for future campaigns. By saving your form design as a reusable template, you can launch new forms quickly and maintain consistency in branding and messaging.

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